11 definitions by Bryce Morganthau

A government run by a narcissistic sociopath that gleefully abuses children, women and vulnerable people. Surrounded by sycophants and enablers, they commit unthinkable atrocities.
Keeping innocent children separated from their families locked in cages without adequate provisions is what can occur in a Caligulastocracy.
by Bryce Morganthau July 13, 2019
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When someone presents an easily provable falsehood as absolute truth in an effort to make someone doubt their sanity.
Trump' s inauguration crowd was the largest in all of history is a claim that exemplifies truthlessness.
by Bryce Morganthau January 22, 2017
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Trump tweet- any offhand comment that is spoken or written before thinking it through.
I trump tweeted my mother-in-law and now she won't talk to me.
by Bryce Morganthau January 10, 2017
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A couch or lounge chair for lying down on
while posing in a suggestive come hither
manner. A place to lay in a prone position
posing for a portrait destined to be hung in a
brothel or a castle.
The next time we video chat, I will be reaching out to you from the reposery.
by Bryce Morganthau November 16, 2022
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The way to get elected to office is to distractify your audience with hypnotically irrelevant misinformation.
by Bryce Morganthau October 16, 2019
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When you are so tired or aroused, that you are practically dying to get into bed.
While texting late at night with his girlfriend, he became seriously mattressidal.
by Bryce Morganthau April 4, 2023
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This is what someone says when they dont want to do something and don't have a convincing excuse.
My doctor said I can't come in and work my shift today because I am hemoglobically challenged.
by Bryce Morganthau January 23, 2017
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