18 definitions by Brobacca

Along with Sprint, Evade is the only non-n00bish loadout on Halo: Reach. Much of xbox Live agrees that if a person is using sprint or evade instead of something gay like armor lock, they do not deserve to be tea bagged
Teammate- Haha that kid missed me with the sword, i'm tea bagging his ass
Halo veteran- No man, he was using evade, you have to respect his maturity for not using invis or something gay
by Brobacca May 15, 2011
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A sarcastic comment used when playing Halo, usually when something really ridiculous happens in the game that pisses you off.
Wow, he didn't take any damage from that 'nade? Thanks, Bungie :P
by Brobacca May 10, 2011
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1. An excuse used primarily by white males when asked to do something unappealing.

2. A term used to describe someone who has no rhythm, coordination, and/or has ever used the infamous "think of the children" in a debate.
Aren't you a little too white for that?
by Brobacca May 15, 2011
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A term used on Halo multiplayer: the act of spamming grenades to get kills, usually used by n00bs when they cannot land a shot
Halo veteran- These kids can't beat my BR so now they're just nade whoring the lift
by Brobacca May 15, 2011
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The term used to describe the act of punching a player twice in Halo to kill them (no bullets fired). The term was coined when the Halo: Reach Beta was released.
No fair! I hit him in the body with the sniper but he just Halo Reached me!
by Brobacca April 26, 2011
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noun - the effect a hard-on has in loose pants; A tent shaped protrusion held up by one's member. These usually occur at the most inappropriate times possible
I can't believe i pitched a crotch tent during his mom's funeral!" "Yeah dude, that's why i always wear a cup when i'm in slacks
by Brobacca May 15, 2011
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