18 definitions by Brobacca

An affectionate nickname for Halo: Reach's Concussion Rifle, due to the gun's resemblence to the Banshee vehicle
Why are they all spawning with the banshee rifle?!
by Brobacca May 6, 2011
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A code word for any illicit substance found in a pill form and shared strictly between bros
Work sucked today man, i think we need to take our IbuBROphen
by Brobacca May 4, 2011
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A description for a smelly room, usually after someone cracks one off
Who just shat themselves?? It's a box of ass in here!
by Brobacca May 15, 2011
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Any organized hate crime against the gay/homosexual community
Want to party at my place tonight?" "Nah, i already have a rainbow raid planned. We're armed to the teeth with eggs and flaming bags of poo""Fuck the party, i'm with you guys
by Brobacca April 26, 2011
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Along with Sprint, Evade is the only non-n00bish loadout on Halo: Reach. Much of xbox Live agrees that if a person is using sprint or evade instead of something gay like armor lock, they do not deserve to be tea bagged
Teammate- Haha that kid missed me with the sword, i'm tea bagging his ass
Halo veteran- No man, he was using evade, you have to respect his maturity for not using invis or something gay
by Brobacca May 15, 2011
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A sarcastic comment used when playing Halo, usually when something really ridiculous happens in the game that pisses you off.
Wow, he didn't take any damage from that 'nade? Thanks, Bungie :P
by Brobacca May 10, 2011
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The list of drugs one has done in his/her lifetime, usually recorded over the course of several years
I still want to add DMT to my drug portfolio
by Brobacca May 15, 2011
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