39 definitions by Britt

A word that you repeat many times over to 1) annoy the hell out of people or 2) win an arguement
Me: You can't do that Mat
Mat: nyah
me: but you-
Mat: nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah!
me: ok fine
by Britt May 29, 2004
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When two male guys w/dicks bone behind trees
Joey and Mike were Desking behind the trees at six flags
by Britt October 28, 2004
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a person who is an pain in your ass, who also grabs your sisters ass, along with eating all of our pizza and drinking all of your beer
Oh my god dude you are shuch a "polycronopolus",
by Britt January 21, 2004
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When words such as gay and fag are used in a derogitory fashion, or to mean something is stupid. Often used by homosexuals themselves in an effort to 're-claim' such words.
1: Science class is so gay!

2: Oh my God, you are such a fag.
by Britt March 27, 2005
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a guy who says he'll call but doesn't, tells you things that aren't true, has a bunch of "girlfriends", and uses u to get ass from.
by Britt December 8, 2003
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