3 definitions by BobbyDigitalist

The highest level of insanity. To be extremely insane so as that theres nothing more crazy than that.
That girl got UberInsane over him she didnt know what to do.
by BobbyDigitalist December 19, 2021
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To be Gorgeous, Beautiful, Pretty. Look like a super model. Wanted by every man. Has a glow thats so bright you need sun glasses. IE: Selna Gomez......
Dang, that girl is SuperFine. I've never seen something sooooo SuperFine like that. Daaaaaaaaaang, she's SuperFine!!
by BobbyDigitalist November 20, 2021
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Super Beautiful. Gorgeous. Pretty. Sexy.
That Selena Gomez sure is UberFine! Never seen someone UberFine like that. Dang she's UberFine!
by BobbyDigitalist December 18, 2021
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