13 definitions by Bernard McGraw

adj. Describes an equal amount of violence in reply to the person to have administered the original violence.
Leànnà punched me in the nad. What can I do? Does it hurt just as much if I punch her in the cunt? I'll have to ask a hermaphrodite or something. That is the only thing that has a hope of being a reliable source in this matter. If I don't get this out of the way it'll bother me for ages. I wish I wasn't so honourable and equiviolent. If my conscience would let me get away with it I'd absolutely boot her in the vagina and be on my merry way.
by Bernard McGraw December 9, 2010
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Onomatopoeia is when a word for a sound sounds like a sound; automatopoeia is when the word looks like what the word is.
Example of automatopoeia: bed. This is the only example I can think of, aside from "word", which is pretty weak.
by Bernard McGraw December 9, 2010
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1. An absolutely crap child with no potential. Usually ginger.

2. Spunt can also refer to the act of giving birth to a spunt (spunting, spunted).
1. Claire, what even is the point in that kid of yours? Looks like he's got fucking ADHD. I don't know why you don't have the daft spunt put down.

2. Doctor: Come on love, push, PUSH- oh fucking hell, butterfingers... There we go, she's only gone and spunted the kid out on the floor.
by Bernard McGraw April 8, 2009
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Literally, a daythrough is the experience or act of someone living through a timestream that will repeat itself. The term daythrough is one that only applies to two (fictional) situations that this writer can actually think of; Bill Murray constantly living the same day over and over again in the film Groundhog Day, and Link continuously travelling back to the beginning of the three-day period in the videogame The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask.
"Nigga please, you can get the bunny hood on the second daythrough if you know what you're doing, it's not even a thing."
by Bernard McGraw October 18, 2011
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n. A person with whom you have never been naked or semi-naked.
We thought that we'd got to a stage where we could have sex, but it's so hard to take your clothes off around a flesh stranger.
by Bernard McGraw November 26, 2009
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"Check that granny out. She's frail as the Dickens, but she beat up that cage fighter like it wasn't even a thing. How juxtapository."
by Bernard McGraw March 13, 2010
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