9 definitions by Bellser

Term used to describe a large blob of nasal mucous blown into a paper tissue and carefully wrapped into a bulb shape before being gently squeezed until snot erupts.
Take cover, my snot volcano’s gonna blow!
by Bellser June 29, 2006
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A context-sensitive term of either endearment or rebuke.
Coming for a break, twatmonger?
Derek, you're such a sausage-fingered twatmonger!
by Bellser June 24, 2006
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Small Scottish whip used exclusively for face flagellation.
"Hey twatmonger, come over here and whip me in the puss with that Puss Whip."
by Bellser August 1, 2006
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Phrase to describe profuse sweating analogous to the moisture output of someone in a sauna who is clad head-to-toe in leather.
"Man, it's hot today. I'm sweating like a gimp in a sauna!"
by Bellser July 30, 2006
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Particularly intoxicating alcholic beverage composed of red Aftershock and Absinthe. Mixed together in equal parts, the face-numbing, psychoactive brew is surprisingly easy to drink and thought to have been the inspiration for the beverage Dr Jeckyll knocks back to turn him into Mr Hyde.
"Sorry for running about the house naked last night, jumping through the hedge, havering rubbish and repeatedly testing walls to see if they could take my weight, but I was on the old Mind Mangler again."
by Bellser August 1, 2006
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The act of distracting another while they are hard at work or trying to concentrate on some very important task (writing, surgery, bomb disposal etc).
"Cheers for that goatsnab. I nearly blew up the reactor."

Or go up behind a friend when they are hard at work, preferrably at a time when they definitely do not want to be distracted, grab their shoulders and push down repeatedly (they should be sitting on a partially sprung chair, ideally), while saying 'Goatsnab, goatsnab, goatsnab!'
by Bellser July 29, 2006
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Bell's Jokes Law states that the potential funniness of a joke is inversely proportional to its length.
Thus, long jokes, with excruciatingly long build-ups and high expectations rarely generate belly laughs, whilst short ones can easily take you by surprise and induce spontaneous mirth.
Long joke: An Scotsman, a trout, two donkeys and a nun went blah, blah, blah, blah...... blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah...... blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah and do you know what the nun said?
Get trout of my house and take your key Dons with you. :O/

Short joke: What should you do if you find a trumpet growing in your garden?
Root it oot! :O)

Man - 'Hey, those two jokes just demonstrated Bell's Jokes Law!'
by Bellser July 29, 2006
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