10 definitions by BK

Martha's Vineyar is an island,
the island, where everything goes down
the island where bk, max, baby mama kim, baby mama pheobe, baby mama daphne, and papa t all had crazy gig sex
Ramona: wait, are you talking about Martha's Vineyard?
EmmaF: N/A
EmmaL: Ya, where everyone exc
by BK November 8, 2005
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Martha's Vineyar is an island,
the island, where everything goes down
the island where bk, max, baby mama kim, baby mama pheobe, baby mama daphne, and papa t all had crazy gig sex
Ramona: wait, are you talking about Martha's Vineyard?
EmmaF: N/A
EmmaL: Ya, where everyone except bk talked to kim about astronomy
by BK October 4, 2005
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That mank just stole my last beer!
by BK March 12, 2003
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a yurgle is when you lead someone, or make them believe something that isnt true. It also counts as a yurgle if you sneak up on someone and scare them
bk: i brought the hurt on Pheebs while we were on Martha's Vineyard
ramona: BAh!
ramona: PTA PQ PTA PQ PQ
bk: YurGLE!!
by BK November 8, 2005
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tmi is when someone says something you didn't need or want to know:

1. freakin wierd
2. unneccesary
Max:I jiz blood
Cleetus: TMI!
by BK April 19, 2005
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a stalin is an enormous boner
emma: yo did you check out mr. petkus' stalin?
monka: ya, that shit was huge
by BK May 9, 2006
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A person who is the designated bitch at any specific time
Yo chore boy, go pick up some wendys.
by BK January 27, 2004
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