22 definitions by BIG T 49

The secretion that seeps from the poop chute after a wet flatulence, often this liquid gas leaves a tar stain or racing stripe in the underwear, in severe cases it permeates to second line of defense the trousers
After the Mexican appetizer of beans and green chilies ,Mike's floodgates released enough sewer gas to evacuate a whole city block
by BIG T 49 February 11, 2021
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It's when last night's dinner suddenly visits your colon after it's been brewing up for hours and is released as a wet fart or liquid rocket in your undershorts
John took in a movie with Monica and suddenly released the Silent Dart that had been developing for 8 hours and shit himself
by BIG T 49 March 12, 2023
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Doublebacking is a method by which the ass is wiped in a 2 stroke motion,the first pass is to get the ass about 80% fecal free and the return stroke is wipe clean any residue and stains left behind due to soft stool
Bob had to do some heavy duty doublebacking ,due to the Mexican dinner last that caused his colon to erupt with a heavy brown soup
by BIG T 49 November 8, 2017
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A massive explosion that takes place in your intestine and released through the colon and deposited in the crapper in the form of brown chunks of excrement and water following a bowel movement that resembles Campbell's Beefy Mushroom soup
I fired off a liquid rocket 🚀 in the company Men's Room at work, thus leaving the Men's like an abandon warehouse for days
by BIG T 49 March 12, 2023
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The pelvic region above the vagina that is covered with an extreme amount of pubic hair,thus resembling the look of an old baseball sandlot that hasn't been played on in a long time
Mike wanted to eat out Gina,but told her to cut the grass above her clit ,because it looked like an abandoned pitcher's mound
by BIG T 49 August 4, 2017
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When the scrotum becomes a dinginy yellow color due to repeated doublebacking ass wiping method to insure a clean ass
Dave's girlfriend noticed that his ballsack had a slight discoloration than his normal skin tone as she was about to polish his knob,thus have a servere case of mustard sack
by BIG T 49 November 8, 2017
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Heavy fecal projectiles that's surfaced in the toliet after being launched from the anus usually after a long traffic jam in the intestines
Bob finally released some butt submarines after the bottleneck in the bowels begain to break up
by BIG T 49 January 30, 2021
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