6 definitions by BBB

1) My last name

2) A name of German origin

3) A shortened version of the original last name "Von Glahn" or "Von Glah"
by BBB April 12, 2005
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A relationship tactic, involving nailing as many people as possible when one's partner is overseas. Designed to ensure that maximum downside on partners return is the relationship itself, not also a feeling of having wasted some of ones life.
"What did you get up to friday?" "Defensive cricket"
by BBB April 18, 2005
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An extremely sheltered white girl who knows nothing of the world beyond her hometown, usually because of a strict upbringing or lack of interaction with people different from her family or self. Not to be confused with a Becky , who should know better but doesn't.
Due to being a "Beth" Sarah could not understand why people choose to eat spicy food, walk inside a house without shoes and why we have a black history month.
by BBB March 22, 2017
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