17 definitions by Angel of the Morning

Tits up can refer either to:

1. In the case of posture, this refers to the woman lying on her back: i.e.: supine.

2. In other contexts, it refers to something broken down or in a state of disrepair.
Context #1:

She was tits up; ready and willing,

Context #2:

My old Studebaker finally went tits up: good for parts only.
by Angel of the Morning April 24, 2021
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When a Southern lady says "Bless his heart" regarding someone, it means that he is as stupid as a box of rocks.
He noted for Jones? Well, bless his heart!
by Angel of the Morning March 2, 2020
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Wisconsin is a state located in the Upper Midwest. The boobs of the girls there tend to droop down to their waists.
"On Wisconsin" is a tedious song.
by Angel of the Morning February 27, 2020
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A nipple bra is a brassiere that provides support but also is strategically cut out to allow for protruding nipples.
Maureen wore her nipple bra; AND IT SHOWS!
by Angel of the Morning February 23, 2020
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An aggressive Anglophone is someone who insists that English and only English should be spoken in the United States.
I met an aggressive Anglophone asshole today; she overheard me talking Cajun French to my copines even though we're in Louisiana.
by Angel of the Morning May 8, 2020
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When a guy is given a coitus mulligan, he gets a replay after an unsuccessful attempt at lovemaking.
Matt was overanxious, and unsuccessful when it came to consummating his relationship with Darlene. Fortunately, she gave him a coitus mulligan and he was more successful.
by Angel of the Morning November 17, 2021
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