66 definitions by Anarcissie

(noun) A child whose father is in an irregular relationship with the mother, or possibly unknown. In the latter case, may also be known as a "spree baby".
"Sally and Joe are from Maria's first marriage, but Jerry is her bush baby."
by Anarcissie May 18, 2008
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(verb) to lose one's mind, or cause someone else to lose their mind; to go crazy or drive crazy; to impress or surprise.
When I show up today, it will blow his wig. He won't be able to deal.
by Anarcissie April 23, 2008
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(verb) Kill. Allegedly a bit of CIA humor.
Agent: "If we're pulling out, what will we do with the spies and informers we've been using? They know too much."

Boss: "Terminate with extreme prejudice."
by Anarcissie May 16, 2008
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An upper-class or upper-middle-class person, presumably a snob or a trustifarian; one of the gentry; a person with effete or elitist tastes or habits; a patron of fern bars and Whole Foods supermarkets
'This neighborhood will be ruined if we get one more quiche eater moving in. They get in a house and multiply like rats.'
by Anarcissie August 24, 2011
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1. To cause to become smooth and shiny by rubbing.

2. To apply oral sex to, especially in "polish his knob" and similar phrases.
"She got drunk at the party and said she was looking for someone suitably hung so she could polish his knob."
by Anarcissie May 2, 2008
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(noun) A person, especially a member of a political party or a military organization, who is hardcore, who endures during hard times. The opposite of "summer soldier", a phrase used by Thomas Paine to denote (and mock) men who signed up for the Revolutionary War and then quit when the going got tough.
"Most of that outfit quit, but the winter soldiers are still hanging on."
by Anarcissie May 21, 2008
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tough guy, thug, gangster, bad or cruel person
"When Joe couldn't get Jack to pay up he called in the hard guys and Jack spent a couple of weeks in the hospital."
by Anarcissie May 13, 2008
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