9 definitions by Amyz5

a twitter virgin; one who is new to the microblogging site Twitter
She sent out her first tweet and felt like the twirgin that she was.
by Amyz5 April 1, 2009
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One who can't sleep and becomes obsessed with late night activities
She could not get to sleep so she cleaned the house like and insomnomaniac
by Amyz5 December 2, 2010
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A labrador retriever puppy, so named for the incessant desire to eat EVERYTHING in sight.
What breed is your puppy? Oh, she is a labragoat; she just ate a pair of sunglasses!
by Amyz5 May 29, 2012
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One who studies the effects of social media on society at large.
After seeing what social media was doing to the way people interact and build relationships, Amy decided she wanted to be a socialmediologist.
by Amyz5 June 28, 2011
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to give the blow by blow account of labor and birth on twitter
He was so excited that he and his wife were having their first baby that he created a twitobirth by tweeting it in realtime on twitter.
by Amyz5 April 1, 2009
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twitter expert; power user of the microblogging platform twitter
He had been on twitter for over a year, making him a twexpert
by Amyz5 April 1, 2009
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The practice of trying to behave snarky in advertising in order to appear part of the in crowd and to endear a market.
The psuedosnarky angle used by Motrin in its ad targeting young moms backfired with a Twitter firestorm against the brand.
by Amyz5 November 21, 2008
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