22 definitions by AllNames

Dyana is naturally a hilarious person. Say anything and she will turn it into a joke. Being in her company instantly makes everyone around her loosen up, as she tends to lighten the mood. But beware, when a Dyana makes you laugh, you may never stop. Her biggest weakness is her blunt stubbornness. If she wants something one way, she won’t have it any other. This is also the reason why she gets good grades or does well at her job. She is determined to do so, and many are jealous of her, as it appears she doesn’t really need to try. Dyana has a big heart, and is often empathetic towards others. And, if the opportunity ever proposed itself, she would love to have a boyfriend.
Dyana is a funny, sweet girl to be around.
by AllNames February 7, 2019
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Lea is a sweet, caring girl. She may on occasion put up a front, or act like someone else just to fit in, as this is one of her biggest struggles. She finds it hard to let others into her life, and relies strongly on trust. Lea is an athlete and an artist, but often one or both of these talents will go unnoticed as she isn't very observant of herself. When she makes a friend, she always has the same expectation: it will last forever. However, she is sensitive and sometimes her emotions may get in the middle of a relationship. She would be a wonderful girlfriend, but for some reason can't seem to find that perfect someone. She is not only misjudged by herself, but others. Part of this is that she puts so much effort into being like everyone else, but also others always seem to see only what they want to see in her. Some other weaknesses that effect her more often than not are her frequent tendencies to hesitate in new situations and failing to be as unique as she could be.
Lea is a respectable, talented, caring girl behind the mask she tends to wear.
by AllNames July 6, 2019
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Rebecca is a scandalous, yet sweet girl. She has a soft spot for the romantics and often gets very wrapped up in boyfriend after boyfriend. Her biggest weaknesses are her occasional shallowness and lack of intelligence. Education has always been a challenge for her, but she will probably find a career that doesn't involve traditional smarts. Rebecca is often very reliable and a great person to tell your deepest, darkest secrets to... until you cross her. She is very sensitive to insults, but this isn't always a bad thing. It can make her more approachable at times. She is naturally fit, but typically doesn't play a sport. Rebecca may involve herself in cheer or dance. Most of her activities are dedicated to spending time with her closest friends.
Rebecca has many conflicting qualities, her pros and cons.
by AllNames July 7, 2019
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Hannah is a sweet girl. That can be said about a lot of girls out there, but Hannah is special. She often does a lot of volunteer work, and applies herself to charities. She's an animal lover, and charities of that sort are her favorites. She may also play the occasional sport, but has a variety of interests. This girl has many friends, and spending time with them is one of her favorite things to do. Not only is she generous to charities, but she is also generous towards others, which is what so many people love about her. She is respected by her elders, and everyone trusts her. Though she sounds like a great girl, everyone has at least one flaw. In this case Hannah's weakness is her intellectual abilities. She is slow to comprehend things, but is very committed so she does well anyway.
Hannah is a generous girl who tries hard in all of her fields.
by AllNames February 17, 2019
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Jessica is a very independent girl. She is well rounded and involves herself in many activities with many people. Although she is independent she is a reliable and loyal friend when it comes down to it. Jessica’s weakness is her short temper. It’s easy to get on her nerves, but if you’re careful enough, she’s always a joy to be around. Jessica also typically has a loving family, that will always be there for her. Other than entertaining herself with countless clubs, she loves hanging out with them as well as her closest friends. Jessica is also known to be a scholar, trying her best in school. She is almost always involved in some sort of learning experience, but also typically has a well paying job. Juggling all her activities may also stress her out at times, but she is committed and says it is well worth it.
Jessica is an individual but enjoys time spent with friends, and is involved in many activities, including schooling and clubs.
by AllNames February 17, 2019
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Kyle is a great guy to get to know. He’s loyal, generous, forgiving, and a wonderful friend. There’s always something unique about him, something that stands out from the crowd. He’s not typically a ladies man, as his main fault is his awkwardness, but so many that look past that are enchanted by his kindness. Another weakness of Kyles is his stubbornness. However, if someone asks him for something, he will always deliver, and if you have a favor to ask, Kyle will always be there.
Kyle is a generous guy and a loyal friend.
by AllNames February 12, 2019
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Tessa is a pretty girl, but often shy. Her weakness is her inability to talk to new people and make new friends. If she did, she would probably make many as she is sweet, respectful, kind, caring, and smart. However, Tessa finds it hard to develope that confidence. Lucky for her, she doesn’t need any more friends. Those she has are good people that she loves to hang out with. Those same people enjoy her company too, as she can be an encouraging, upbeat, fun person to be around when you get to know her. The timid person so many people see Tessa to be, isn’t all she is. If you meet a Tessa, encourage her to come out of her shell, and always be her friend.
Tessa is a timid girl, but s very reliable friend.
by AllNames February 16, 2019
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