88 definitions by AbnormalBoy

1) Region that the U.S. Census Bureau claims is comprised of these twelve states:

North Dakota
South Dakota

2) Region in the United States that is in the central time zone and north of the Mason-Dixon Line.

The climate is extreme but the people are moderate.
The show was a hit in the Midwest before its popularity spread outward.
by AbnormalBoy April 20, 2004
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Contrail-like cloud left by aircraft believed by "spiritual" people to contain chemicals or crystals. These chemtrails are allegedly part of a secret government program either to save earth from global warming or to kill off half of humanity.
Spiritual guy: Look! That's a chemtrail. I wonder what the government is doing to us.

Normal guy: Uh ... perhaps you should have your medication adjusted.
by AbnormalBoy May 25, 2004
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Derived from bible thumper

An automobile that:

* Is valued at less than $1000.00

* Is covered with more than a dozen bumper stickers preaching an ideal you disagree with

* Travels at half the speed limit and tends to linger between lanes
"I'll be late for work unless this fucking bumper thumper gets out of my way."
by AbnormalBoy April 23, 2004
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Alcoholic beverage prepared by mixing:

2 shots Vodka
1 shot Gin
2 shots Blue Curacao
Top with Orange juice
And Sprite (lemonade)
Bartender: What'll it be? A Harvey Wallbanger?

Patron: No, I think I'll have a Juicy Lucy.
by AbnormalBoy April 17, 2004
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Respondez sil vous plait as soon as possible.
(via email)
Sarah, the car insurance policy expires tomorrow. Should I just renew or shop for better quotes?

by AbnormalBoy September 1, 2004
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Person who arrived via time portal from the year 3045 to escape the harsh conditions of that era. A blend of all present-day races and speaks a language that is a mixture of English, Turkish, Chinese etc. Tends to work for extremely low wages, displacing hard-working present day Americans. Time-traveling had left them with goo on their backs. See also wetback.

("wentback" would have made sense without the need for goo.)
"That mother-fucking gooback took my $140K-a-year logistics job for 90 cents an hour!"
by AbnormalBoy May 12, 2004
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