6 definitions by AMC


to be anal and angry
why you gotta be so angrel for?
by AMC November 6, 2003
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Mom said not to touch the dinky unless I'm in the bathroom.

"Mommy said dinkies don't belong in the mouth!"
by AMC May 13, 2003
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strip ping pong

A game best played when your opponent is drunk and very attractive.
Note: Layers are a crucial strategy for this game.
by AMC December 15, 2004
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Toilet rat

A nasty or filthy person that is equivalent to a rat that came out of a toilet
Hey Emily why are you being such a toilet rat today?
by AMC September 18, 2017
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chain of causation

Legal term used to describe a situation in which a person who seems to be entirely at fault for an event that is punishable by sizable fine and/or jailtime can prove that it was not his or herfault.
Also, whiny, non-responsibility-taking, foolish, last-ditch effort to defer blame.
"The devil made me do it." AND
"I only hit you because you're a whore."
by AMC December 1, 2004
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a wire cutter (d-Y-k-e is a lesbian)
use a pair of dikes on that cable
by AMC July 24, 2003
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