18 definitions by 603explorer

The capital of New Hampshire, located 20 miles north of Manchester. Known for its old New England-style elegance, affordable housing (compared to most of the state), French and Greek restaurants, and frequent Free State Project activist activities. It may not be as rich as Windham or Bedford but it sure as hell ain't full of tacky mcmansions. It may not be as exciting as Manchvegas or Boston but it's not a trash-fest like most other New England cities.

Also known to many as the halfway point between Boston and the White Mountains.
Concord NH: a sweet blend of class, libertarianism, culture, diversity, intelligence, city, and frontier.
by 603explorer November 27, 2010
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A project (joke) started by a group of paranoid right-wing nutjobs in 2001 with the goal of moving 20,000 Ron Paul ass-kissers/people who masturbate to "Atlas Shurgged" to New Hampshire in hopes of influencing the New Hampshire primary and local state politics. As of August 2009, only 750 members have moved to the Granite State, meaning the FSP has accomplished less than 4% of their initial goal.

Their organization is utterly ridiculous and their members usually rely on pathetic stunts and continuous whining to get what they want, which includes the privatization of otherwise public goods and services. The final goal of the project is to have New Hampshire secede from the rest of the USA, an action which was tried by the Confederate States for similar reasons and failed miserably.
The other day I saw some members of the Free State Project protesting public education down in Concord, and the day before that I saw a bunch of them protesting universal health care in Portsmouth. I take it public services take away our liberty.
by 603explorer August 14, 2009
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Rich-ass town located in southern New Hampshire, making up the top left part of the Windham-Pelham-Salem-Atkinson rhombus. Once considered a vacation spot in the area located near Cobbett's Pond (with the rest of the town being agrarian) Windham somehow morphed into an elitist breeding ground in less than a generation. It is now known for its large amounts of yuppies, soccer moms, and Paultards as well as their overly spoiled kids who are frequently seen driving expensive cars down I-93. Aside from the glamour, Windham has a reputation for being quite boring, lacking any commercial area or downtown.

A side note: people from Windham pronounce the name of their town as WIND-ham, not WIN-dum. The 'h' is not silent.
Carlie must live in Windham - she got a Ferrari for her sweet 16 birthday.

The Sampson family moved to Windham from Newton Mass so they could still enjoy a lavish lifestyle without paying Massachusetts income taxes which, as Ron Paul supporters, they were morally opposed to.

Windham residents love their money but sure hate having to spend it to contribute to society. That's why they blow most of it on huge houses with big front lawns the size of football fields, 23432 cars, cruises, vacations, expensive electronics, drugs, and designer clothes for their kids.
by 603explorer June 29, 2009
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A small village in the Mascoma Valley of New Hampshire, known as the halfway point between Dartmouth College and Lake Winnipesaukee. It has recently gained attention by being a haven for members of the Free State Project, much like Keene and Manchester.

According to the article "The Koch Empire and Americans for Prosperity", Grafton was specifically chosen as the first site of the "free market" NH exodus due to the fact that Koch Industries (which funds the Mercatus Center which is linked to the FSP) had recently purchased Georgia Pacific, a paper company, and needed to buy up as much forest as they could. Grafton was selected because it is 95% forest and has very little restrictions on private property ownership. The corporations bought up over $1 million worth of property in Grafton using secretive means, unfortunately, the behaviors of several free staters living in the village disrupted their plans. All of this was documented in the article "Grafton's Messy Liberation".
Grafton, New Hampshire is a small village with a large controversy.
by 603explorer March 6, 2011
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Similar to a JAP or guidette, a Phoenician Princess is pejorative term for a heavily spoiled female between the ages of 14-30 of Lebanese-American descent. She is usually very tan, wears tight close, has expensive jewelry and handbags, and talks endlessly about how her grandfather was a millionaire in Lebanon before the civil war broke out in the 1970s.

These young women are known to dwell all over Salem, NH and Methuen, MA as well as Dearbornistan in Michigan.
Alicia is a straight-up Phoenician Princess. Would you believe her umm and aba gave her $5000 worth of gifts for her high school graduation?
by 603explorer August 1, 2011
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A suburb in southern New Hampshire on the Massachusetts border. Makes up the bottom left part of the Windham-Pelham-Salem-Atkinson rhombus. While Pelham is quite nice, as is its neighbor Windham, it is surrounded by ghettos such as Lowell, Massachusetts and Nashua. Drugs frequently enter the town from such areas and infest the Pelham youth, but it's no wonder considering how boring the town really is.
Pelham NH would be a great place to grow up if it had more stuff to do and if Gov. Lynch built a wall separating it from Nashua, Methuen, and Lowell.
by 603explorer July 8, 2009
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Cliche term for Nashua, used primarily by the rich white people who live in the good part as well as the ultra-wealthy people who live in Hollis and Amherst to describe the ghetto downtown where all the lower-income immigrants and trashy white people live.

This is also the place where the old mills, which brought in 99% of the city's income 140 years ago, are located.
Hollis kid #1: I'm bored.

Hollis kid #2: Wanna get high?

Hollis kid #1: You have?

Hollis kid #2: Nah, but I know a Mexican in Trashua who sells.

Hollis kid #1: Fuck man. I donwanna get stabbed walkin' through there.
by 603explorer October 9, 2009
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