58 definitions by 0nittray

The greatest system ever created,without a doubt. Unfrotuantely,most of the original consoles are sun-bleached and cracked,and some of the best games were Japanese exclusives(i.e. Terranigma,Seiken Densetsu 3)
Excellent games,to name a few: Chrono Trigger,A Link to the Past,Contra 3,Super Metroid,Super Mario RPG,Final Fantasy V,Final Fantasy VI,Final Fantasy IV Hardtype,Illusion of Gaia,Donkey Kong Country,Donkey Kong Country 2,Donkey Kong Country 3,Super Mario World,Yoshi's Island,Super Metroid,Kirby Super Star,Seiken Densetsu 3,Terranigma,Mega Man X,Mega Man X2,Mega Man X3,Rockman and Forte,Mega Man 7,Earthbound
Don't listen to wordsony roolz/word either. He will neve come into contact with a pussy in his life.
by 0nittray January 19, 2004
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A near flawless system with great games,controls,backlighting,a rechargable battery,and fits in your pocket. It comes with an AC Adaptor even,kickass. My one gripe is that there's no headphone jack. >_<
I like playing SMB3 and Golden Sun on my GBA SP.
by 0nittray December 31, 2004
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A bullshit show made by who else but DISNEY. Features 3 kid on major amounts of caffeine harassing crappy excuses for villains while yelling retarded battle cries like "Chick-a". Hardly anything happens on the show that involves harm to another person. Avoid this dog shit,it's as bad as The proud family or Kim possible.
Captain Crapdall is a stupid fucker! What kind of superhero wears glasses anyway? Even Biclops from the Simpsons owns this douche!
by 0nittray September 4, 2003
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One of Nick's Four worst shows. Features four stupid,ugly,stubby kids who are TOTALLY XTREME TO THE MAX. Wait,that's just what they want you to think. They hang out with their gay dad,and his hawaiian slave. Truly horrible.
Zero: Hey Twister,your helmets on sideways. *cuts off his scalp*
Otto: WICKED!!! *flashy colors*
Bass: MY EYES!
by 0nittray October 7, 2003
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You had your first kiss eh? Well good luck staying with that girl/guy all through junior high school,high school,and college.
by 0nittray March 8, 2004
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