58 definitions by 0nittray

To accidentally browse to www.lemonparty.org,or to walk in on 3 old men in an orgy. Generally this is followed by extreme disgust and a clicking of the "Back" button,unless you also happen to enjoy Shaq Fu...
When Whocares walked in on his grandpa and two elderly men sucking each other off he was LEMONPARTY'D. He then invited his friends Tasty and Silver to watch.
by 0nittray January 18, 2004
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One of Nick's Four worst shows. Features four stupid,ugly,stubby kids who are TOTALLY XTREME TO THE MAX. Wait,that's just what they want you to think. They hang out with their gay dad,and his hawaiian slave. Truly horrible.
Zero: Hey Twister,your helmets on sideways. *cuts off his scalp*
Otto: WICKED!!! *flashy colors*
Bass: MY EYES!
by 0nittray October 7, 2003
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