6 definitions by 🔪
Icarus: That girl keeps giving me chocolate to try to get me to like her.
Andy: She's such a marshmall-hoe
Andy: She's such a marshmall-hoe
by 🔪 May 31, 2015
a clingy bitch who is obsessed with her little boyfriend Ethan Cutkosky, she is obsessed with taking selfies too even though she isn’t a pretty girl. She thinks she’s famous even though the only reason people know her is because of her obsession with ethan
girl 1: brielle barbusca is so annoying
girl 2: omg i know right she’s so gross, ethan could do way better
girl 2: omg i know right she’s so gross, ethan could do way better
by 🔪 June 27, 2018
a term that refers to a black person who acts like a redneck ex. supports trump, only had white friends, dresses like a redneck etc
“Why is that black guy always hanging around those trump supporting red necks?”
“He must be a blackneck.”
“He must be a blackneck.”
by 🔪 August 1, 2021
a girl who think she’s the shit on tik tok but she isn’t. she is constantly asking for attention and fishing for compliments. she dated alejandro rosario but she was just using him for clout the whole time. someone needs to tell her she’s not a celebrity.
by 🔪 May 19, 2020
by 🔪 February 25, 2021
woman in danger of dying (similar to a waif) -an extremely skinny sickly looking woman who’s most likely anorexic/bulimic; not a compliment but people suffering from eating disorders may take it as one.
by 🔪 December 31, 2022