193 definitions by ΔиłĦ☼иצ ߀₡ʞ

a divorced or separated father whose work schedule allows him to take custody of his kids only on Saturdays
He takes his kids to Playland, suffering the over-crowded, sticky-candy, ride-barfing fun - like the good Saturdaddy he is.
by ΔиłĦ☼иצ ߀₡ʞ April 11, 2014
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a festive celebration of winter solstice \ conversely, 'Sumstice' is celebrated at summer solstice
His family didn't keep Christmas, but they partied hearty on Winstice: December 21.
by ΔиłĦ☼иצ ߀₡ʞ December 19, 2009
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noun: naïveté about how seriously pin-headed Taser-wielding cops & airport security take themselves
Robert Dziekanski {RIP}, that Polish immigrant who was fatally Tasered by cops at the Airport, must have been experiencing profound naïvetéser – ‘cause the cops all testified, "The fact that Dziekanski couldn't understand English made no deference." Dziekanski, they said, seemed to be in an agitated state; therefore, the use of multiple Tasers - repeatedly - was an appropriate response.
by ΔиłĦ☼иצ ߀₡ʞ November 20, 2013
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adj/noun – a pitifully weak attempt at celebrating Halloween
I thought their Halloween decorations were wimpier than my dentist’s: a couple of paper jack-o’-lanterns and black cats, with some cobwebs stingily strewn about – never seen such a salloween.
by ΔиłĦ☼иצ ߀₡ʞ October 29, 2011
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short for Fox facts; referring to items broadcast on Fox news
I try to consider all points of view, but generally don’t give much credence to the Fox-fax from the Ministry of Disinformation.
by ΔиłĦ☼иצ ߀₡ʞ March 24, 2013
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euphemism for a call girl service/stud service or for hooker/s in general
His idea of calling a discount hardware store 'Pay-per-screw' was terrible but better, at least, than his plan to use the name for an escort service.
by ΔиłĦ☼иצ ߀₡ʞ October 16, 2009
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official name for a chiropractor / informal: may be shortened to ‘back quack
You should never pump heavy weights without wearing a body belt – ‘cause you’ll only end up at the outta-whack-back quack, Jack.
by ΔиłĦ☼иצ ߀₡ʞ September 25, 2012
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