7 definitions by @thedocwho2

The correct way to spell fuck so as to not offend.
Kindly go fuqque yourself with an inanimate object.
by @thedocwho2 December 4, 2018
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The Flowers dropped onto the surface of Mars by the crew of the Nickola Tesla spacecraft rapidly became desiccated.
Flowers Mars desiccated
by @thedocwho2 January 8, 2019
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The opposite of redneck this critter only comes out in overwhelming numbers of other yellownecks singing "We shall overcome" whilst waiting for the brownies to take effect. The last gasp dregs of the first addle-brained hippies and the first cries of rage from this NEXT generation of addle-brained hippies. Tommy Chong is laughing why not you?
Theyellowneck lesbian pro-wrestler could not understand why after beating up on some people SHE felt needing beating up she herself was taken into custody raging and damaging herself as she did.
by @thedocwho2 May 6, 2019
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laissez faire Capitalism means buyer gets a tail-light warranty
Even modernCapitalists should be against laissez faire Capitalism
by @thedocwho2 May 13, 2019
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Illegal tactics used by unscrupulous attorneys in order to insure a conviction regardless of the guilt or innocence issue.
When the Bellingham} County Attorney learned the defendant was innocent he/she engaged in prosecutorial abuse by mental intimidation.
by @thedocwho2 February 17, 2019
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All the lying Congresspersons and a lobbying lycanthrope or 2 (two) feeding at the hog trough of hard earned taxcow blood sweat and tears.
beltline bullshiters are 'bout to learn the true golden rule: do unto others as you would have then do unto you
by @thedocwho2 February 18, 2019
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One who manipulates other's emotions by lying about there own.
He's such an emotionalizer you can see her melting- listening to his hypnotic crappe.
by @thedocwho2 November 17, 2018
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