12 definitions by !JayAm!

When you get fired/laid-off/quit your job and try to get another full time job, but can't for some reason, so you take a temp job. When that ends no one will hire you because they think, "If this guy was any good his last employer would have hired him full time." So you get another temp job because they'll hire anyone.
Justin: I've been looking for a job for 3 months now, and the only places showing any interest are just temp jobs.

Rich: So, what's wrong with that?
J: Well it would be nice to have insurance or paid days off or any kind of benefits, and have a normal, stable job. But I guess I'm just stuck in a temp cycle for-fucking-ever!
by !JayAm! August 3, 2018
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Any food you ritually eat when you're not hungry but feel like eating for no reason.
Ethan: They say carrots are a bad stomach filler because they are surprisingly high in sugar.
Hawke: What's a "stomach filler"?
Ethan: Look it up on Urban Dictionary, you goddamn retard!
by !JayAm! December 18, 2020
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When you finished your beer, shot, and water, and want some more.
Hot bartender: Can I get ya anything else, hon?

Me: Yeah, I'll take a threefill, please.
by !JayAm! August 27, 2017
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Mom (Pointing at her purse): Can you please hand me my... uhh...my, uhh.....
Son and Daughter simultaneously: Alzies!
by !JayAm! January 9, 2021
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A woman who is so terrible, calling her a "cunt" isn't bad enough.
Gregory: You comin' out to the bar, tonight, man?
Shmegory: Can't. Rosa's having me work this Saturday.
G: You take too much from that cunt. I mean it.
S: Don't call her that.
G: Why not? If she's not a cunt, I don't know who is.
S: No, I mean, she's worse than a cunt, she's a, uh...she's a...cunt-cunt.
by !JayAm! June 20, 2019
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