To sum up a discussion composed largely of useless bullshit.
Person 1: "Tell me how the staff meeting went."
Person 2: "Allow me to recrap..."
by B. S. August 29, 2007
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an acceptable level of intoxication for business situations.
#1 There was an open bar but my boss was there so I could only get business buzzed.

# 2 We were slammed with TPS reports so we decided to crack open a couple beers and get business buzzed.
by Joshtown March 6, 2010
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The emptiness you feel in your stomach in the middle of the night, usually while watching commercials for pizza or Burger King.
Guy #1: Hey what did you do last night?

Guy #2: Ughh man, I was watching this movie on TV, and then a Burger King commercial came on for the Whopper JR. I realized I totally had the midnight munchies and I just had to get 50 of them things.
by Bill Tregen March 6, 2010
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When someone is so concerned about toilet seat germs, they cover the seat with half a roll of toilet paper, leaving it to appear like it has been mummified.
"I was going to use that stall to drop a deuce, but somebody left it looking like a toilet mummy."
by naterooni July 23, 2008
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to fall while skiing or snowboarding and leaving a trail of gear behind them
that two-planker is having a yardsale down there
by Eternity May 28, 2003
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To unintentionally demean one's self. To unthinkingly place one's self in an unflattering light.
People who minimize their genius are self-deprecating. People who eulogize their ignorance are self-defecating.
by Chicagodmt June 11, 2009
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This looks shopped. I can tell from some of the pixels and from seeing quite a few shops in my time.
by frothe March 31, 2008
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