when a smile has an orgasm.
the group broke out into laughter when they orgasmed?
by jkdtown2 December 19, 2005
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The water you drink when you wake up in the middle of the night that tastes like it came from a mountain spring blessed by God himself.
“Dude, that night water really hits different when you’re thirsty at 2am.”
by guitarsandroses November 10, 2019
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a drunken party while the sun is out; a day-time party
We're going to black out while it's light out at the darty!
by Wes wings January 18, 2008
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When you see people from your past, you start acting like you did when you used to spend time with them. (i.e. you start acting like a 14-year-old when you unexpectedly run into your freshman year boyfriend at the grocery store)

As made popular by the character of Marshall Erikson on an April 2008 episode of CBS sitcom "How I Met Your Mother".
When Linda, the 50-year old elegant socialite, would squeal with delight, bounce on her heels and speak in 70's youth-vernacular whenever she got together with her sorority sister Patty. Her husband explained to his friend, "It's just Revertigo."
by Deerdles April 22, 2008
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A millennial adult, with or without kids, that can't stop talking about Disney, including the movies and the parks. Even if they do have kids, they're still way more obsessed with it that their kids ever would be. They probably engage in casual "Disneybounding" and visit the theme parks at least once a year. They are obsessed with everything Disney and probably have a Mickey Mouse bumper sticker and/or tattoo. One of the most terrifyingly intense people you'll ever encounter.
That Disney Adult over there won't shut up about theme park trivia
by annababechase January 28, 2021
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The philosophy that when you die, your soul goes up on a roof and gets stuck. (George Carlin)
"I don't believe in rencarnation I am a strong Frisbeetarianist."
by Randi® April 1, 2004
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This expression dates as far back as man has been stuffing his junk into farm animals. You fuck one goat. Meaning there are some things we do that we must carry with us, no matter the good deeds you do or the people who love you, this can all be overshadowed by one horrific deed.
An old farmer walking through his field with his grandson.

Old farmer- "Billy, you see that fence there? Your father and I built that fence with our own two hands.

Billy-''Yeah... That's great grandpa.

Old farmer- "And that barn Billy, do you see that barn? My father and I built that barn long ago together. And these fields Billy...

Billy- uh huh, didnt you fuck some goats once though?

Old farmer- "it was one goat! Geez you fuck one goat...
by Ageofchronic December 23, 2016
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