
a word with many meanings such as whats up, yup, yes, you're welcome, ok,
Thanks for picking me up dawg. yerp

you want some food? yerp
by thetruth June 2, 2003
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That noise Snoop from The Wire makes
Chris Partlow: "Why ain't in your repertoire no more, nigga."
Snoop: "YERP!"
by KuntaKente September 1, 2010
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another way of responding to someone instead of using yes, yep,yea,yup,etc.
Alicia: Hey Shay, are you going to that party later?
Shay: Yerppp, i never miss a party.
by J-Boogie. November 22, 2007
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yerrrrrrrrrrrrpp waz da damn deal hoe?

yerrrrrrrrp leme holla atcha for a minute dawg.
by lil miss pimpstress June 2, 2005
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A word common used in the ghetto's of Newark, NJ to initiate a public drug sale from a local thug. Usually associated with cocaine, crack rocks, heroine, or marijuana.
After I yerped at the gangster on the street corner, he then approached my car and proceeded to discuss a price for the eyeball of cocaine I was looking to purchase.
by Jason (elek) June 21, 2006
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shane: hey whats that thing you say? yerp?
jake paul: its yeet
by imalittlewhore October 12, 2018
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A war-like call to all nearby friends alerting them that you are in/ about to be in a fight.
TJ walks into a party, bumps into Pat. Pat starts to engage a fight with person A. Jessie who is upstairs and who is also TJ's best friend hears TJ yell, " YERP!," so Jessie runs down the stairs and attacks Pat.
by TJ De Franco August 25, 2010
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