A pioneering work of Science Fiction and one of the longest running TV series ever. It revolves around the lives and work of FBI agents Fox Mulder, a conspiracy theorist and believer in aliens, and Dana Scully, a non-practicing doctor who is often exasperated by Mulder's paranoia. The two agents are assigned to cases involving the unexplainable and the paranormal. Episodes have involved the whole gamut of plot themes, from Time Travel to Shapeshifting to Ancient Jewish Mysticism. Part of the show's allure is that the episodes rarely have what can be considered a "happy" ending, but one that does usually bring closure to that particular case.
by Taylor Esformes May 18, 2005
probably the best show ever made. Includes Fox Willaim Mulder and Dana Katherine Scully who over nine years, battle through paranormal unsolved cases and fall in love.
by Insidesource November 7, 2005
A totally awesome show that started in the 90's and got really popular. It was one of Fox's major hits starring agent Fox Mulder(David Duchovny) and agent Dana Scully(Gillian Anderson). Scully was sent to watch over Mulder and to debunk his unconventional work. Because of Mulder's crazy beliefs in the paranormal, he took the role of the "believer" and she was the "skeptic"; always taking the side of science. As the show progressed, Scully started to trust Mulder more and more, and they became better friends. And, well, fall in love.
by Ana Robin May 15, 2007
A show about a unique couple of FBI Agents who solve crimes of the unexplained. Possibly the best show ever created.
by Sarah December 10, 2003
SCULLY: Have you thought seriously about dying?
MULDER: Yeah, once, when I was at the Ice Capades.
SCULLY: You've gotta quit looking for what isn't there. They've closed the X-files. There's procedure to be followed now ... protocol.
MULDER: Maybe we should call in a bomb threat to Houston. I think it's free beer night at the Astrodome.
(The Movie)
MULDER: Yeah, once, when I was at the Ice Capades.
SCULLY: You've gotta quit looking for what isn't there. They've closed the X-files. There's procedure to be followed now ... protocol.
MULDER: Maybe we should call in a bomb threat to Houston. I think it's free beer night at the Astrodome.
(The Movie)
by redmoon June 18, 2004
by pooper agent September 17, 2006
A show that used to be on t.v about a man named Fox Mulder who when he was 10 years old had his 8 year old sister abducted by aliens in his living room and since then he has always been trying to prove the existance of extraterrestrial life on earth and/or the universe. When the series began Agent Mulder was already in a position at the Federal Bureau of Investigation and was working in a section called the 'X-files' which investigated into the paranormal. An agent named Dana Scully was assigned to the 'X-files' along with agent Mulder to help him with his work, but at first it was thought by Agent Mulder that she was there to spy on and to debunk his work, but over time he began to trust her and they became close. The show ran for 9 seasons on t.v and was quite popular with cyberpunks and paranoid people.
"Dude, did you see the final of the X-files? I watched that show for 9 years just to find out that cigerte smoking man's name, and they didn't even tell say. What a rip-off!"
by Matt[O] September 10, 2005