Wowee is another form of wow. You can use wowee wherever you can use wow. It also means "thats cool"
If someone says " I am going to the movies. you can say "wowee"
by simma January 16, 2005
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A go-to expression, typically used to describe a stupendous situation when other superlatives don't adequately describe the sense of amazement. Note the extra e's on the end to convey a greater degree of WOW!
Wowee, this hot dog has to be the biggest I've ever laid my eyes on!!
by Gregory B. April 30, 2019
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ok hhyeah, a saying for pointing out something
wowee! there it is!
by buff nigga July 28, 2017
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WOWEE is an acronym to remember when leaving your house meaning




Egg (backup)
I need to remember WOWEE more often I always forget my backup egg.
by Yeeterman9000 April 22, 2019
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The proper response when something is so shocking you can’t think of any other response.
Guy 1: Hey Bro, check out this video of me doing this chick!

Guy 2: Wowee.
by Fuck off, Retard January 1, 2018
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what you say when you are in situations of shock, excitement, or utter disbelief.
Joe: I just ate like a bajillion and one french fries.
Moe: Wowee caboodles! That is a lot of french fries.

tracy: Wowee cabooooooodleZzzzzzzzz! no way oh em gee wow.
by tracy yennnnnnnnnnn February 15, 2008
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it is a girl's brown nipple that is abnormally wide but most guys love them.
omg i spent all night suckling my gf's brownie wowee, they are so full and mind blowin
by pyr0k!n3$!$ February 14, 2009
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