4 definitions by pyr0k!n3$!$

damn man this gal i went wit last night had berpube triangle, it was so hairy.
by pyr0k!n3$!$ February 15, 2009
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you apply the cheese on your lover's nipple, bite on it and twist it then lick it off leaving red mark.
i gave my gf a swizz nip because she kept talkin about how much she love cheese and pain so i tried both
by pyr0k!n3$!$ February 14, 2009
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it is a girl's brown nipple that is abnormally wide but most guys love them.
omg i spent all night suckling my gf's brownie wowee, they are so full and mind blowin
by pyr0k!n3$!$ February 14, 2009
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Number 4 of abc is D and number 1 is A and 4 is D again so it spells DAD.
just hidin from 414, hes lookin to kick my ass and hes drunk as hell.
by pyr0k!n3$!$ February 14, 2009
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