
A lifeless idiot whose whole existence consists of following around jam bands and not showering or shaving. When they're not panhandling or trying to rip people off, they're selling veggie burritos or grilled cheese to fund their useless existence. They stand for nothing and care about nobody else. (Not to be confused with a hippie. A hippie is someone who lives a certain lifestyle due to their beliefs. Hippies often shower and have jobs.)
Yo those wookies over there are trying to sell beat rolls.
by Mark December 30, 2004
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A hairy yet modernized human being that commonly is seen in the western most regions of washington. a gentle creature by nature but tends to get a little erratic when it overindulges itself with its favorite foods. It's diet consist mainly of a blend barley with hops. if you see this creature be cautious as to whether you should provide him with these items. They will commonly respond to the name of Richard Pulliam but be very wary of this creature when inebriated.
pulliam is a wookie
by the dax October 1, 2007
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Anybody with a lot of body hair.
Burt Reynolds is a total wookie.
by Anonymous May 12, 2003
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A certain brand of cookie that is very chewie.
by grizzlychicken November 15, 2004
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when ur eating cookies and your mouth is full. then ur freind asks u what u are doing and u say eating a wookie
BoB: bill what are u doing?
Bill: eatin some wookies.
by brady cramer February 25, 2005
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massive, dark, hairy, screaming waste matter discharged through the anus.
Boogie: Where you goin' Lamar?
Lamar: I gotta go crank out a big, brown, wrought-iron wookie, Boogie.
by Captain Newell October 22, 2007
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The person you care about the most, the person who makes you feel so bubbly your just about to explode and release thousands of butterflies, the person you who can actually make you laugh out loud, its undescribable how great they make you feel... ya dig?
who is that cutie? oh she is my Wookie.
by C.A.R October 22, 2008
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