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⧫︎♒︎♏︎⍓︎ ♋︎❒︎♏︎ ❍︎□︎⬧︎⧫︎●︎⍓︎ 🙵■︎□︎⬥︎■︎ ♌︎♏︎♍︎♋︎◆︎⬧︎♏︎ ⧫︎♒︎♏︎ ❍︎⍓︎⬧︎⧫︎♏︎❒︎⍓︎ ❍︎♋︎■︎ ♐︎❒︎□︎❍︎ ◆︎■︎♎︎♏︎❒︎⧫︎♋︎●︎♏︎📪︎ ♑︎♋︎⬧︎⧫︎♏︎❒︎📪︎ ⬧︎◻︎♏︎♋︎🙵⬧︎ ♓︎■︎ ⧫︎♒︎♏︎❍︎📬︎
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Wing Dings are so mysterious...
by BigPokemon November 13, 2020
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Rob wing dinged himself last night and now has tennis elbow.
by Jboo420 May 21, 2020
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Wing Ding is another name for Penis,Dick,Cock,Pecker,Wood,Worm,Sausage,ect .
His Wing Ding was hard
by Jimmy T.E. Jordyn September 25, 2016
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A ROCKIN' concert held in Rockford, Illinois that used to be free and now costs maybe 1$-5$.
Person 1: DUDE, Wing Ding is 5$ NOW!
Person 2: STFU, its 8 bands for 5$!
by bowlaboii216 November 8, 2006
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an awesome free concert held in rockford, IL in july or around that time sponsored by the local rock radio station with kick ass bands
"dude breaking benjamin, smile empty soul, and cold fuckin rocked out at wing ding!"
by blind October 13, 2004
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Someone who smokes dope and fucks all the hoes
by Yungdaggerdicc February 1, 2017
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Jeff: Dang dude last night was crazy
Richard: No way what happened?
Jeff: I wing wang ding ding do'd her
Richard: Nice
by aljo1234 February 12, 2018
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