Minimum wage is the group of people that u claim friends and fuck with hard.

Example:only minimum wage 😒
David:Hy are we friends

Morgan:yea your in my minimum wage
by Triphy or triphyness October 22, 2019
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Cortes from LRS
Cortes from LRS is a wagee
by Jown w August 20, 2023
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Cortes from LRS
Cortes from LRS is a wagee
by Jown w August 20, 2023
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This is described as lower than low like so low it is shorter than kevin heart
you are literlly paying me BIDEN MINIMUGE WAGE i could get more money from picking a banana off the floor and selling it to a crocodile
by dangy125 August 30, 2021
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Its the pay that you get from a job that pays so low that you qualify for some type of government public assistance and if you didn't get the public assistance to go along with the job, you would not be able to subsist on the job alone. These types of jobs typically pay up to $3.00 above minimum wage.
Welfare wages is the type of total economy that the US moves closer to with each passing year.
by Curly Stooge July 1, 2016
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