before the time of the SUV, the ultimate soccermom vehicle. Most commonly found in middle to upper class suburbs driven by women (or a man who has been whipped real good by his wife). Mid priced, large to mid size, really safe, ugly. Older volvos are used by people who don't have enough cash to buy a cool car, but they still want something usable.
10 years ago, that soccormom would be dropping her 150lb 10 year-old off at practice in a volvo wagon, not a ford excursion.
by northendwhitetrash December 30, 2008
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BUT still the best damn cars out there!
I went to the Very Old Looking Vehicular Object dealership to buy a new C70.
by Anthony March 1, 2005
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Carla Soprano's vulva as mentioned by Tony during one of his sessions with his psychiatrist in the last season(?).
".. I know she's been having problems with her volvo and like that..."
by doc001 July 3, 2012
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A Swedish car company, currently owned by Ford, that in the 1960s got a reputation for making safe, reliable, and mostly ugly (except for the 1800 series, Volvo's only good looking car, made from 1959-74, and most known as the car Roger Moore drove in The Saint TV series) cars. The quality took a huge nosedive in about 1975 like the quality of many other cars. Almost overnight Volvos became completely unreliable and prone to breaking down almost on a daily basis. For some reason, Volvo's reputation amongst consumers wasn't affected much for years. They coasted on their reputation for what seemed like two decades, of course people unlucky enough to buy one would know that any Volvo made after 1974 is a pile of crap best suited for a junkyard. Not until the Japanese entered the luxury car market in the 1990s did people start to realize what pieces of shit Volvos were, and as a result their target market largely started buying Lexus and Acura. One of THE most expensive cars to repair, and you'll need to repair it often.
Volvos spend more time in the shop than on the road.

The Swedes tend to be such nice people ; how could they come up with a car as crappy as a Volvo?
by Rattus cattus October 24, 2006
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A car driven mainly by people over the age of 60. Looks and feels like driving a 100-ton brick shithouse. You can hit curbs, pedestrians, and other cars and not leave a scratch in your bumper. If anything on your volvo ever breaks or needs replacing, no matter how small, it will cost you 800.00. If the airbag ever goes off it will most likely decapitate you too. The cupholders.... oh wait... the early 90's volvos DON'T HAVE CUPHOLDERS. If you drive a volvo you're an asshole, bottom line.
Hey look at that guy driving a volvo, what an asshole.
by Domino May 21, 2007
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pronounced vuuulllvvvoooo.
used by stoned teenagers along the california coast to describe anything and everything.
dude, don't get sand in my volvo.
get the fuck outta my volvo.
where's my volvo?
by bobertothe2nd October 10, 2005
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A brand of car that came out of Sweden. Probably one of the best cars to make into a sleeper, many have been modded to have over 400hp. Unlike most people think, modern Volvos are in fact very good looking and very fast for their price.
That Volvo owned that ricer in his Honda.
by Everruler December 28, 2006
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