up under

An alternative to using the grammatically correct word "under".
Person 1: "Where is the cereal?"
Person 2: "Up under the counter".
by Grammar for All March 13, 2020
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up under the trailer

Someone who is so white-trash that they are not even in the trailer.
Jennifer's from up under the trailer.
by shelia October 9, 2003
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up and under

up and under, although a term frequently used in the game of Rugby Union, is also a term used when having sexual intercourse
Good sex is achieved by having your cock up and under her buttocks you should put your hands so that you are able to pull her to you when you are pushing your cock deep into her vagina. Source - a well known sex manual which we are not allowed to advertise.
by Stias February 11, 2006
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The day after Mother's Day.

Because every Mother's Day deserves a Mother's Night.
"This the perfect plan
For a perfect Mother's Day
They'll have to rename this one
All Up Under the Covers Day."

--Lonely Island
by JamesBeam May 8, 2010
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up and under

When someone takes a shit, and defys gravity and gets the shit up and under the toilet seat.
Damn, someone just did an up and under in the bathroom.
by jwc's July 19, 2006
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That Up in under under

You still with that girl??
Yea man that up in under under is the best ever I’ll never leave her!!!
That what???

You know vagina!!!
by Stick1 January 5, 2024
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Up and Under

A hand job consisting of an able body individual (preferably a women) extending either hand between the receivers legs from behind. While stroking the stiff shaft with said hand the forearm provides a resting platform for the testicles. This can be accomplished using either a forehand or backhand grip.
Fuck coffee, and Up and Under is the only way to start the day off right.
by March 18, 2022
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