3 definitions by bentangle


A person who uses unicode letter replacements in order to be cool in the online word. These people also usually think they can hack, but have never written a line of code in their life.
    ₤ãώđ  Øf  βГăıń  ∑ă╥ıй  ζǿmβìέš   is a perfect example of a unitard 
by bentangle January 27, 2009
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Monkey Wrench

To "monkey wrench" is to screw stuff up...normally cause you dont like the way it's going....
Kurt blowing his brains out monkey wrenched nirvana.
by bentangle September 5, 2007
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Acronym for "Gadget Addicted Consumer"
You're such of gac, of course you want a new Ipad.
by bentangle February 8, 2010
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