4 definitions by oboeguy


RTFB means "Read the ****ing binary". RTFS means "Read the ****ing source". If there is no source available, and your only option is RTFB, you are likely screwed.

Inspired by RTFM.
Q: "How does this program work?"
A: "RTFS!"
Q: "I don't have the source."
A: "Then RTFB!"
by oboeguy April 7, 2006
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Someone who stays at a university too long, e.g. an eternal grad student.
Nine years to finish the Ph.D? You're a unitard!
by oboeguy April 20, 2006
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Happy Health Commuting Males & Females (or MoFos if you prefer): Bicycle commuters who love the lifestyle of, well, being a bike commuter, because bike commuting makes them happy and healthy.
Welcome to the HHCMF Club (Happy, Healthy Commuting Mutha F'ers). We take pride in showing off our well muscled legs and tight butts to friends and co-workers, using the money we save on gas and transit to buy cool stuff for our bikes like raccoon tails and grips w/ tassles, and only slightly embellishing our exciting tales of heroism and derring-do as we ride our trusty steeds to and from work surrounded by maniacal impotent death squads in SUVs.
by oboeguy February 16, 2006
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"Read the f***ing Google". See also: RTFM, RTFS.
An example of RTFG in action:

Q:"What does the GBM algorithm do?"
A: "RTFG!"
by oboeguy April 7, 2006
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