A person, normally a pre-pubescent girl between the ages of 8-14, who is "addicted" to twilight and all related paraphernalia. This includes non-stop babble about the books and movies and obsession over sparkly objects.
9 year old girl) OMG, like I totes luv Rob P. LOL
normal 9 year old girl) *facepalm* Why didn't you tell me you were a twidict?

Man 1) Dude, can you believe what Bella is doing to Edward? I mean he is trying to protect her and the vixen is..
Man 2) Shut the hell up! Grown men should not be twidicts like you!
by ~Kati August 11, 2010
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person1: jonny's so twidicted
person 2: yahh i know dude
by beansploojwhat? November 10, 2009
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The compulsion to put every minor event or happening in one's life on twitter.
"What are you doing?"
"Again? That's the second time in five minutes.... I think you have a twidiction"
by lifesamountain,notabeach August 19, 2012
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