
1. "Bro, did you see Joe and Bill post a bunch of status updates on facebook about how drunk they were last night?"

"Yeah man I saw that. They are some total trashies."

2. "Hey man im thinking about putting some loud exhaust on my '96 Volvo. Is that bad or what?"

"No, your a trashie."
by bmow93 September 27, 2010
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Someone who portrays themself in a very "unclassy way". Mainly describes females who dye their hair bleach blonde and wear tons of makeup and small clothing.
"Man, that Sandy is sure a trashy hoe!"

"Yeah, she's sure gone downhill"
by bubblegum1991 June 27, 2008
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that nail color is kind of trashi. it doesn’t go with your outfit.
by trashigirl April 21, 2019
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A combination of the names Tracy and Ashley. Both Tracy and Ashley must be marginally slutty to go as "Trashy."
"I totally don't remember what happened last night."
"Well, all I can say is Trashy came out to play!"
by ashtrace May 22, 2009
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Little class, foul mouthed,folk.

There are two types of trash.

1. Trailor Trash

2. Rich Trash

...bottom line is ANYONE can be trashy. Someone can be rich as hell and still be a piece of trash, or poor and be classy. It's all how you handle yourself.
1. Tila is the whore you'd fuck and never talk to again because she's trashy.

2. Barbara's long ass heavily decorated arylic nails and super thin eyebrows are a red flag that she's trashy.

3. Do you see that trashy mom in Walmart with her two little kids? She was wearing a belly shirt showing off her gut and belly button ring and 4 inch heels.

4. It was pretty trashy of Lindsay Lohan, Paris, and Britney to flash their crotches. CLASS ladies, it called class.

by Papasfritas July 29, 2008
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Trashy folk can be rich or poor, it doesn't can be trashy have a lot of money (aka Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan)

Trashy women can be found: extremely dark fake tans, dyed jet black or bleached blonde hair, and little clothing. Usually butterfaces. Tounge piercings, facial piercings, etc.

Trashy men: This ranges greatly. Trashy men can be the natty-ice lovin, nascar fans with beer bellys and wife beaters, or the metro-sexual douche bags who overly groom themselves.....waxing eyebrows, tanning, making themselves "pretty."

*in other words, trashy people leave little to the imagination and try to hard. Classy people follow the "less is more" rule*
Kelly is the kind of girl you'd bang on a one night stand, but she's too trashy to date, or bring home to your a family dinner.
by papasfritas July 24, 2008
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