upper class trashy

When you're not desperate loser trashy, but you're not exactly popular trashy.
Omg Gurl, we are just too Upper Class Trashy
by fudgepopsicles May 11, 2016
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Trashy fish

A person, usually who has attempted to dress in an appealing manner but has instead gained the opposite reaction; A person whose appearance is exceedingly unattractive.
Gretchen: Did you see what Sara's wearing today?
Regina: OMG yes, trashy fish.
by 4Ling February 10, 2014
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Trashy fish

A person, usually who has attempted to dress in an appealing manner but has instead gained the opposite reaction; A person whose appearance is exceedingly unattractive.
Gretchen: Did you see what Sara's wearing today?
Regina: OMG yes, trashy fish.
by 4Ling February 10, 2014
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trashy proteci

1. Ugly looking soft toys

2.Insult to someone

Can be used in various ways
etc. trashed out protesh
You have a lot of trashy protecis

You are a trashy proteci

You have trashed out protesh
by diabyispotashy December 30, 2023
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Trashy P

Someone who never puts the dawgs away and has a weird obsession with the Miami Dolphins. Trashy P is an absolute menace to society and needs to be detained. Stay safe!
Omg! Did you see Trashy P's dawgs last night. That man has a black toenail. He needs to seek help.
by apple pie beta bitch October 4, 2022
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