
in reference to actual trash, living in a "throw-away" nonspecial, wasteful kind of fashion; a common side effect of modern western living. to live bearing a deeper sense of dissatisfaction, sometimes spiritual, emotional, intellectual

includes inelegant, unenriched kinds of things: junk food, having empty sex, reading celebrity gossip, being drawn to tacky unnecessary products, bright adverts.

to lack appreciation and understanding of deeper beauty, if something is of bad taste and lacks modesty or a refined aesthetic then something is cheap, TRASHY
plastic is the most trashy material

" the fake gold door knobs and the glossy varnished wood and the overbright colours and the plastic flooring is so fucking trashy "

wordart is trashy as fuck

nature is never trashy, the design of nature has serious depth
by fkkroundabout March 27, 2012
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a fat guy with tattoos who desperately needs a girlfriend in his life. Loves to wear wife beaters.
look at that fat guy with the tattoos, how trashy
by slobs August 26, 2007
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1. Apparently, not being a hyper-elitist yuppie douchebag from the upper middle class or upper class.

2. Apparently, not aspiring to be a hyper-elitist yuppie douchebag from the upper middle class or upper class. (This aspiration is apparently synonymous with "ambition.")

Additionally, definitions like this one tend to get denied by Urban Dictionary while scores of others written by elitist yuppie dipshits who aren't "trashy" get passed with flying colors.
The typical words of someone who isn't "trashy":

"Wow, so-and-so is such a trashy piece of shit because he doesn't wear expensive clothes, listens to loud music, and smokes cigarettes. He didn't even go to a university, so my guess is he watches "Jersey Shore," listens to Nickelback, commits rapes, and can't even spell his name correctly."

Another example:

Nazis were in a big hurry to get rid of all the "trashy" people in Germany at one time. It's probably going to happen here, too.
by VKUltra March 8, 2013
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Trashy people are POOR people who watch nascar and come from POOR family's. They call other people Trashy to hide the fact that they are the ultimate definition of white trash and fail to make it in society. Due to this insecurity they start hating on people who are 'better off' than they are. You can always tell a trashy person from a classy person when the trashy person opens their mouth. They usually get personal and will say anything including run their foul mouth to get back at the one they are JEALOUS of.

Men will being 'wife beaters' and have tattoos all over their unkempt hairy flabby bodies. They will sometimes also wear FAKE jewelry. Most of their clothes are hand me downs or bought at some cheap store.

Women will be wearing ragamuffin clothes. Also hand me down types of items.
Trashy guy can't afford a car or a home. Unambitiousness and laziness must run in the family. Could also be his LOW IQ.

Trashy people love to 'hate' on people with some morals and manners. I think everyone knows who the trashy one is considering the shithole he grew up in and the class of people he hangs with.
by jhmd November 11, 2007
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cheap, poor quality, typically expressed with frowny-faced emojis
it's not trashy, it's Hershey's.
by double dickfart February 13, 2019
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When someone is really drunk and stoned.
Bitch I'm so trashy tonight.
by NatureLover111 October 11, 2006
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usually a female with dyed blonde hair (usually turns out looking orange and nasty) the chicks that look like they need to take a mad long bath are usually trashy. when their hair has more greece than a mcdonalds hamburger something isnt right. usually long dirty nails painted wild colors. has attendancy to wear leppard print although it doesnt match a darn thing. nascar t-shirts define trashy and so does camo in the middle wal-mart. if your are 9 months pregnant pushing around 4 to 5 other children (all by different fathers) and i can see your tramp stamp, you just might be trashy. if you wear bright red lipstick every single day and you usually have it on your teeth theres another dead give away. bright bright blue eyeshadow when you clearly do not have blue eyes also makes you look trashy. if you've dyed your hair blonde and i can now see 3 to 4 inches of dirty dark brown roots your might be trashy. if your husband/babydaddy is named after a nascar driver or is missing more than 4 teeth you might be trashy. if you need a magnent to find your belly button ring and one your way in you find another child then you might be trashy. if you carry yourself as a loud, rude, know it all, low life, peice of trash nothing and you have friends, its only because they think you can hook them up with drugs. if you take a pregnancy test every week you might be a piece of trash. if you let your friends peirce you at school you are not only stupid but you are trashy. you have more than 12 hound dogs and you live in the boondocks with a cousin, you are trash. if you have said "get er done" and been serious about it, then your trash. if you mess with other girls boy friends you are with out a doubt trashy scum. if you have a fake tan during the middle of winter and everybody knows its fake...your trash. in other words to sum it all up trash is somebody who doesnt have an ounce of self respect and you certainly do not have to be poor to be trash infact poor people are often very very classy people and money has nothing to do with being trashy (unless your making it in the wrong ways). its all about class and the lack there of
pam anderson is "trashy ", even though she has alot of money.
by J_ennife_r January 28, 2009
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