A word used towards someone stupid
Jimmy: hey crap tooth come here

Damien: fuck you Jimmy
by Joemamasahoe October 19, 2019
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Reciprocal oral shenanigans between two or more consenting adults.
Putting the Toothpaste Back in the Tooth Fairy

That was an enjoyable evening we had there Prime Minister.

Which one?

When you you exhausted yourself Putting the Toothpaste Back in to the Tooth Fairy.

Oh yes, quite right Sometimes I don't know where it all goes.
by weavehole December 29, 2021
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An Ugly runt of a thing generally named Alex or Daniel with bat-wing front-teeth.
you dont wanna wrestle dobbo, youll end up with cahill tooth.
by SuburbanDoctor September 1, 2018
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a stingy azz muthafuck
JO HE GAVE ME 5 CHICKEN NUGGETS NOT 6 MAN BS. lol what a chicken tooth
by based god lil b July 1, 2013
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A crack sound in your teeth when you wiggle a loose tooth
1: Child: mom, my tooth made a cracking sound, is that normal?

Mom: yes Hun, it is very normal, I fact, it is called a tooth crack

(Also see liose tooth{
by XX_dragon__slayerxX July 19, 2016
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Anyone who wears a Bluetooth ear piece, and/or drives like a fun

Is by default snobby, usually wearing a suit or a flat bill hat.
"That dude just cut me off."
"Yeah, look at him, he is on the phone because he's " douche-tooth.
by Kevly😉 May 20, 2016
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