Johnathon: aww hell naw I ain't going to England
Richard: Come on dude, it isn't that bad
Johnathon: That 9th world country isn't worth my time!
by BruhStalin July 27, 2022
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A hot girl who grew up In the country , A hot girl who loves horses .
Oh,there goes that country babe on her horse again.
by Mj60 November 10, 2021
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Another definition for Austria. Can be heared in the US. Makes it easier for most people to recognize and differentiate it from Down Under
A:So you are from...Austria?
B: Yeah you know the country that invented the Glock
A: OMG you Guys are from Glock country?! I gotta introduce you to ny Wife!
by K4mpfie February 9, 2018
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Nickname for the very hot, sexy, cute, psycho and coke addict Rafe Cameron from the Netflix show Outer Banks played by Drew Starkey who is the complete different then Rafe. Drew is a Hot, cute, sexy, kindhearted and loving person
berry (rafe’s coke dealer): "That’s the point i’m thinking about, country club"
by Liv Isabelle starkey August 22, 2021
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A group of white people with the same Hobby or interests that become friends or end up doing the hobby together.
Trump, Cosby and Kavanaugh really make a great country club, maybe when Cosby gets out they can meet up and have a nice ol' gangbang, dont worry, you can go as rough as you want because all the women are under some niiiiiicccceee pill Vodka sleep
by madness.kys March 18, 2019
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A country club located in Andover Massachusetts where rich preppy kids in American flag bathing suits with Louis Vuitton towels order thousands of dollars worth of itilian ice from their parent's accounts
"Mom! I am late for golf. MOM! TAKE ME TO INDIAN RIDGE BITCH" Indian ridge country club.
by Rebeccaaaaaaaaaa September 12, 2017
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