thematic elements

A vague disclaimer added to movie ratings to explain why they are rated the way they are- without actually explaining anything!
Yet another example of how the film industry lives off of consumer confusion and crazy marketing tactics.
The movie was rated PG for "mild thematic elements"... whatever that meant.
by killerfiller August 27, 2006
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thematic elements

The official MPAA euphemism for "big bouncy racoon testicles".

Quote from the recent Disney-released anime "Pom Poko" - 'Narrator: They used their balls as weapons in a brave kamikaze attack.'

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see also:
dolphin sex
A: "Did you catch that cool new Disney japanese anime movie 'Pom Poko'?"
B: "Yeah! I really enjoyed the thematic elements!"
A: "Sweet!"
by diviniquity January 20, 2006
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thematic elements

Term used by the MPAA for a part of the movie that, while being upsetting enough to be noted, isn’t an explicit MPAA category and is usually exclusive to that movie/franchise.
This movie is rated PG-13 for violence and thematic elements. Viewer discretion is advised.
by iOpenX November 27, 2020
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mild thematic elements

a term in movie ratings used when there is a low-key, but potentially upsetting element of the story.
in the movie, Good Night, and Good Luck, the inexplicit presentation of the suicide of Edward Murrow's underling, Don Hollenbeck, would be considered one of its mild thematic elements.
by vm0d January 27, 2006
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thematic elements

It's a bullshit excuse for a movie to be rated PG for no reason whatsoever. It's no different than watching a G-rated movie from the 70s and 80s.

Modern Disney and Pixar movies are given this rating and description because studios think they won't appeal to a modern broader audience.
Why the hell is Frozen rated PG for thematic elements?

That's like rating every Disney movie from the 50s and 60s PG. PG-rated movies from the 70s and 80s feel more extreme compared to today.
by DiddyPhukkingKong September 26, 2024
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