27 definitions by killerfiller

1)the word "scene" can refer to anyone who's into a particular type of music, usually emo, screamo, hardcore, metal, maybe indie, or punk of some sort, and the "scene" around it.
It is often used to refer to kids, mostly between the age range of 14 and 24, who listen to these types of music. Stereotypically, these kids have short often dark hair, often chopped up or hanging around their faces. They tend to go to a lot of concerts and listen to their favorite bands a lot. They often listen to small, obscure, or local bands no one else has ever heard of. They may also maintain a myspace where they often will post pictures of themselves. This whole movement used to be counter-culturish but now has become mainstream to a point. Some people tend to make unfair judgements about scene people, and while some of them could very well be jerks the majority of them probably aren't.
2) the culture and group of people surrounding a style of music
1) That kid goes to a lot of concerts. He's definitely scene.
2) The punk rock scene has gotten kinda stale lately. Too many of these bands sound the same.
by killerfiller August 9, 2005
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Invented by Steven Hawks, a professor at BYU in Utah. The idea is that you can eat whatever you want, but only when you are actually hungry. This idea in theory keeps you from desiring or craving foods a diet wouldn't allow you to have. Professor Hawks apparently lost 50 pounds by following this philosophy, along with exercise, and is advocating it as a healtier lifestyle than just counting calories and dieting all the time.
1) "Hm, I'm tired of dieting... maybe I'll try intuitive eating."
by killerfiller December 4, 2005
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1)The doctrine of being highly inspirational, sometimes to the point of cheesiness or sappiness.
2)The act of being highly inspirational.
1)"That inspirationalism was so corny it almost killed me."
2)"The coach's inspirationalism really impressed me. No wonder they haven't lost a game all season."
by killerfiller December 3, 2005
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A graphing calculator made by Texas Instruments. The TI-84 is capable of the same functions as the TI-83 Plus, but differs from the TI-83 Plus in several ways.

The 84 Plus has more ROM/Flash memory than the 83 Plus and a slightly better display. This is useful for storing flash applications. The 84 Plus also has a face-lifted appearance, and is slightly bulkier in design. It also costs more than the 83 Plus.

Both calculators are capable of graphing functions and equations, solving matrices, and other mathematical functions, making them useful for Algebra, particularly higher level Algebra. Both are also capable of being programmed to do various tasks, and, most importantly to high school students, they can be used to play BASIC and Flash games (ie Space Invaders, Falldown, Uncle Worm, etc.)
Person 1: Hey man, I've got math class next period... do you have a graphing calculator I could use?

Person 2: Yeah, but you better give it back. <hands calc to friend>

Person 1: You've got an 84 a TI-84 Plus? Sweet. Lemme see what games you have.

Person 2: Hey, I thought you needed it for math class...

Person 1: Well, duh. What do you think I do in math all period?
by killerfiller November 16, 2006
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1)Positive Connotation:
The state of getting and or becoming "educated" therefore giving you the chance to succeed in life.
At it's most basic level, in the US, graduating from high school, or getting a General Equivalent Diploma. (Hey, if you don't have a diploma, eventually even Micky D's won't want you anymore if more qualified applicants show up. And if you can't read, write, or do basic artithmetic, you can't do a lot of things.)

However, in the United States, most "educated" people have been to a two or four year college and have some form of degree, thus making them elgible for at least slightly better jobs.

For this reason, many adults tell their kids to stay in school and get a good education, so they can be sucessful in life.

2)Negative connotation:
A system run by the state that screws you over, where you learn nothing of importance and must take tons of standardized tests while enduring a dumbed-down curriculum, the main focus being to keep the children just educated enough that they can grow up, take jobs, and become cogs in the wheels of the system, in what is inevitably an "assembly line" approach. In short, the Man's way of stifiling young creativity and brainwashing the youth of the nation.
1) "The reason I know the meaning of the word 'connotation' is because I go to school and get myself an education."

2) "Kids in the US often hate the education system, and feel it stifles their individuality and creativity. However, in third world nations, many kids would love the chance to go to school, even if it's crappy and state-run, because they're stuck working all day without minimum wage."
by killerfiller March 11, 2006
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1) An expanding chain of fast-food Mexican-style restaurants that serve overstuffed burritos, tacos, burrito bols (burritos in a bowl and not a tortilla), and other such types of food. They are sort of the higher-end answer to Taco Bell, but still fairly reasonable in price. And a lot less gross, by most accounts.
The somewhat novel (but not really, because some other chains do it as well) approach to ordering food there is that they basically fill your burrito as you go along, so you can see for yourself exactly what's going into it. Also, you can customize it in this way to meet your likes and dislikes.
The burritos are so stuffed full of beans, rice, meat/guacamole, and other fillings that they are more than enough food for most people.
Has been known to cause indigestion in some people, but still pretty darn good.
(Pronounced in several different ways, including Chi-pote-lay, Chi-po-tul, and Chip-o-tlee)
2) A type of pepper.
1)-"We're going to Chipotle. You guys wanna come?"
2)The lady was selling chipotle peppers.
by killerfiller January 25, 2006
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The rivarly between Ohio State University and the University of Michigan; one of the fiercest, largest, and greatest rivarlies in college sports, steeped in tradition and known to spawn nothing short of full-scale madness.
This rivarly was intensified by the work of the late Woody Hayes (former OSU coach) and the late Bo Schembechler (former Michigan coach), who left storied legacies behind them.

Current record:
Ohio State University-40 wins
University of Michigan- 57 wins
Ties- 6
How to Identify a Buckeyes fan:
-Bleeds scarlet and grey.
-Wears scarlet and grey.
-Has a shrine to Woody Hayes.
-Can recite whole OSU team roster.
-Constantly refers to "that team up North" or "the evil empire up North".
-Can be seen yelling "O-H" while forming letters over head (to resulting shout of "I-O!"
-Lives for watching the OSU vs. Michigan game.

How to identify a Michigan Fan:
-Bleeds blue and maize.
-Wears blue and maize.
-Will even wear blue and maize in the middle of Columbus on game day.
-Can recite whole Michigan team roster.
-Can be heard yelling "Go Blue!"
-Lives for the OSU vs. Michigan game.
by killerfiller November 19, 2006
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