the phan

Craziest Math Teacher alive. Also see: Nerd Dork Bad Jokes Anime Fanboy

Deritives: Mr. Phan, Phanzikhan, The Phanzie, Phanz.
Dude the phanz made the worst joke today
by Muniz December 18, 2004
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by breifcase wanker132 January 6, 2016
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Phan is the ship name of two British youtubers: Dan Howell (Danisnotonfire) and Phil Lester (AmazingPhil). Almost every person who sees Dan and Phil ship phan. Even Phan ships Phan. Phan is also known for ruining lives. Although Dan and Phil say they are not in a relationship, 99 percent of the world believes they are and that phan is real.
Me: Phan has taken over my life, Dan and Phil are just too perfect together. Phan is taking over my life.
by Gonzalo July 1, 2015
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Phan is a ship that is between two YouTubers, Danisnotonfire (aka Dan Howell, phil trash #1) and AmazingPhil (aka Phil Lester, flower child) This ship is known well for taking over peoples lives. If you are a living organism, you most likely ship phan, because honetly, even Phan ships Phan. Phan is often known for doing cute things together like, dancing to Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran, making collab videos, getting married in 2022, and living together. If you have never heard of phan the smart thing to do is: RUN AND DONT LOOK BACK, ESCAPE IT BEFORE IT TAKES YOU. That is a quote that many phandom members use when describing phan.
I ship Phan so much! They are such a cute couple!
by phil trash #2 August 7, 2015
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the combination of Dan Howell and Phil Lester (danisnotonfire and Amazingphil)
omg Phan is so cute!

I ship Phan so hard
by danisonfire August 14, 2012
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The ship name of the 2 youtubers, Dan Howell and Phil Lester

Tyler Oakley ships it so you should too ;)
omg phan

gosh darnit, why is phan so cute
by danhowelldamptowel October 15, 2015
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Undiscovered true love
They don't even know they are phan.
by Ap9L3 September 26, 2016
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