1. Accronym for Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
2. Bastardized accronym meaning Mom I Tried. Used to describe a local community college, or junior college.
I attended the local MIT to raise my grades, and get in a better school.
by Southpaw December 3, 2003
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1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2. Where a poker team came from and screwed Las Vegas
3. Where I want to go
4. The laid back and better version of Ivy league schools.
5. My Idiot Teacher
1. MIT is near Boston
2. MIT's are fucking stupid.
by WTF January 11, 2005
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Students at MIT
by sn July 14, 2003
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German for "with".
Kommst du mit? (Are you coming with me?)
by Mike December 23, 2003
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Because you couldn't get into Caltech
MIT is good, but Caltech is better
by xX_LordGaben69_Xx April 4, 2021
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The entire office is mitting at 4:30 on Friday afternoon.
by TBLOfficestaff March 9, 2012
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Dude was wearing a shrink to fit that emphasized his mits.
by Anisa Cameron June 23, 2004
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