To be classed as the big time is infinitely impossible, yet perfectly possible. It is a completely tangible term, and will never be able to be defined indefinitely. To be the big time is to have a certain swagga, a certain 'air' of authority and dominance, and a hint of je ne sais quoi. Many people claim they are, in fact, the big time, when really, anyone that really is the big time, doesn't need to tell others they are. Mere physical presence alone should inform onlookers that they are the big time.
Dan: George, why didn't you do your homework?
George: Because I'm the big time.
Dan: You're not the the big time. Mario Balotelli is the big time.
George: Because I'm the big time.
Dan: You're not the the big time. Mario Balotelli is the big time.
by L.A Fou January 19, 2011
That suct big time!
by Downstrike December 24, 2004
by Don Kershaw December 11, 2007
Get the big time mug.
by Prime-Time July 10, 2009
ME: Hey Killa E, are we on for lunch today? Or are you big timing me?
Friend: Nope! I have a party I'm going too! Peace!
Friend: Nope! I have a party I'm going too! Peace!
by Gumbo $4 2 April 3, 2017
"I called you three times yesterday, what are you Big Timing me?"
"You better not Big Time me when I call, asshole!"
"You better not Big Time me when I call, asshole!"
by k-10 August 9, 2006