Is a uniquely created, social media enhanced, campaign that engages a community of individuals, specifically GEN-Y, and rewards them and their friends for their participation and comments. is at the cutting edge of this social revolution. is at the cutting edge of this social revolution by designing custom challenge based services.
by @francov88 @kristopherwong February 16, 2011
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During the covid epidemic in Australia politicians made many decisions "Based on Health Advice". At the start these were legitimate however over time they were politicised and used to further politicians agendas. Particularly in the Hermit Kingdom of Westralia where this was recognised amongst the doona dwellers and the term BHA quickly became a satirical phrase to excuse bad behaviour.
"BHA (Based on Health Advice) it's your shout".

"I told my missus, BHA (Based on Health Advice) you're on top tonight"
"BHA (Based on Health Advice) you're on dunny duty again"
"Sorry dude, BHA (Based on Health Advice) you're not invited"
by ATM4 February 1, 2022
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Maesean. Caleb. Willie. Basically the whole track team.

The amount of base headed-ness depends on the amount of dumb things a person does in one day. Levels ranging from being a base head to being a based god. Base god being the highest level of being based. Rodrick sykes and johnna (last name) are current holders of the based god title.
Mark and Caleb: lets go to the beach or something

Johnna: what banquet?
Mark: oh gosh you a base head
Caleb: other hand sykes
by Hurdle homie M March 13, 2017
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Something obvious that will happen fosho, without doubt
That’s like base, bro
by mamawinter December 28, 2018
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that guy is SO base he dates girls strictly on if they have nice tits or ass
by hehasagirlfriend April 15, 2019
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someone who is easy
below you
a slut
"Wow, Lauren is so base. Did you hear about last weekend?"
by The Red Hood January 30, 2014
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The main domain where all the homies hang out. Home base.
A: "This shit's lame, let's get out of here."
B: "Tryna go back to base and blow down?"
by FiveHT April 2, 2020
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