Chief for Chief

In a similar essence to shot for shot in drinking, chief for chief occurs when two people are smoking most commonly a joint or cart. Every time one person takes a “chief,” the other person must “chief” the joint or cart to match.
Hey bro, I have this joint. Wanna go chief for chief tonight?
by SonicSwagGaminf June 22, 2022
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1: ~verb~ To smoke something vigorously
Ex: He was chiefing on my tank.
Ex:Bruh, he's chiefing the fuck out of that blunt!
by johnnyboy9er9er November 16, 2019
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this is it chief

The opposite of this ain't it chief. When you and yo homies know something is it you just know
Chief: pineapples on pizza is trifling
Not chief: hell yeah, this is it chief
by JadeLikeAGem September 19, 2018
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on chief

1) To relate or support one's statement.
"Man he was cock blockin hard as hell,on chief he was.
by Papa Burr October 1, 2007
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(v.) To smoke marijuana. Commonly used as slang for "getting high", "smoking up", etc.
Yo let's go chief after school today.
by Billy February 11, 2003
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Chief it

To inhale an inconceivable amount of marijuana multiple times in a row, preferably out of a blunt or a joint.
Frank - “Yo my dude there’s too much dro left, I don’t know what to do.”
Henry – “Bro just Chief it!”
by Bilbo T. Baggings February 24, 2010
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hogging the weed; not passing the blunt;
Quit chiefing on that blunt
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