
It may bring u down but u have to pull urself back up.
Life is amazing (sometimes)
by Doglover❤️💕❤️ August 18, 2018
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Terminal Disease, with a 100% mortality rate
Symptoms include: Unadulterated Pain, Heartbreak, Mental Breakdowns, Being a punching bag, Hating yourself
Cure: Nothing.
If Dark Souls has taught me anything about life, we just gotta keep on chugging, taking these blows like a champ and moving forward, although sometimes it feels like you're moving on a treadmill: You feel you're going forwards, but in reality you're in stasis, not moving anywhere and going through the same thing over and over and over and over and over again, so you just gotta accept you're not good at something, she doesn't like you back, they rejected your application, etc and you gotta move on.
You gotta move on.
by I asked her out 11 hours back February 13, 2021
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A sexually tranmitted diseases that normally results in death.
When life gives you CDs you see Deez nuts
by Shfsjdbrf March 12, 2022
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Something that has been given to you.
Unless you give it for free, it costs you too much.
I want to break free
But life still goes on
I want, I want, I want,

So baby can't you see
by ThankyouDad June 13, 2017
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The thing you have to go through everyday, the same pain again and again. Its the feeling of when you want to not have it, but you have to. You cant just buy a gun under 18. Just total pain.
some faggot: Hey IjeskrewRB MC,
Do you want to play CS:GO?

IjeskrewRB MC: I dont have a good life, so yeah sure.
by Ijeskrew October 16, 2018
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